Monthly Programs for Waverly AAUW
September 2024-May 2025
Educating to Empower: Mission-Centered Programming
***Note: It’s important to check this site to confirm each month’s program details.
This site is updated regularly to reflect changes in program, location, and time that have been made since our initial schedule was published in September.
Contact Kim Folkers,; 319-231-1983 for more info.
Thurs., Jan. 16 – 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting; Program 7:00 p.m. – Topic: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Speaker: Ann Henninger – Location: Zoom. Link emailed to members. Email if you cannot locate the link.
Sat., Jan. 25, 10:00 a.m. – Brunch hosted by Cedar Falls/Waterloo AAUW; Waterloo YWCA, 425 Lafayette St., Waterloo; Legislative Issues and Iowa AAUW Updates. Carpooling available from Waverly to Waterloo – leave from Waverly HyVee at 9:15 a.m. Contact Kim Folkers ( RSVP for brunch to Kim by Fri., Jan. 17 a.m. Cost $10 for egg casseroles (with and without meat), fruit, muffins, coffee, and juice – payable at the door – you’re responsible for the cost once you RSVP, even if you must cancel.
Thurs., Feb. 20, 6:30 business meeting/7:00 program – Location: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Rm. 121 -enter Door 4 on south side of building, near school bell – go up the stairs or take elevator available inside door up one floor. Program: Kori Chamberlin, Executive Director, AIM Mentoring Program – Learn more about Waverly’s great mentoring program –
Sat.,Feb. 22 – Brunch hosted by Cedar Falls/Waterloo AAUW – Dr. Sarah Diesburg, UNI Department of Computer Science, Ramifications of Artificial Intelligence; Waterloo YWCA; Carpooling available from Waverly to Waterloo. Contact Kim Folkers (
March 22, 10:00 a.m. – Brunch with Waterloo/Cedar Falls AAUW Branch; Speaker – Dr. Celina Peerman, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP, CSP – President – Peerman & Associates/Organizational Psychologist/Professional Speaker; Topic: Leadership is tested in moments of uncertainty – it’s defined by our unwavering strength, our commitment to what matters, and the power of relationships. This session will explore how to lead with confidence, support one another, and use our collective influence to drive meaningful change, no matter the obstacles ahead; Wartburg College Student Center Ballrooms. Cost: $15.00. RSVP by Fri., Mar. 14 to
Thurs., Apr. 10, 6:30 p.m. – Location: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Rm. 121. Program: All-Waverly Branch Book Read – Defiant Dreams: The Journey of an Afghan Girl Who Risked Everything for Education by Kapoor & Mahfouz (check with Waverly Public Library for copies)
**Sat., Apr 26 – AAUW Iowa State Conference – Diamond Event Center 5307 Caraway Lane, Cedar Falls – All Waverly AAUW members who attend will be reimbursed $30 registration fee! Plan to attend! Click here for more info:
Thurs., May 15 – Location and Program: TBA
Thurs., Sept. 19, 2024; 5:30 p.m. food/social time; 6:00 branch meeting; 6:30 program –
Our kickoff, scheduled for Thursday, September 19, at 5:30pm, will feature one of the two Wartburg students who attended NCCWSL this year, supported by our branch, Iowa AAUW, Wartburg’s Leadership program, and members who donated at our brunch last March. Speaker Mikayla Gabrielson is a 2nd year Wartburg student, and she will share information and her impressions about the National Conference for College Women Student leaders (NCCWSL) that she attended in Washington D.C. on May 30 to June 1, 2024. Mikayla is a Religion major with a Leadership minor. The other attendee we sponsored, Milagros Toribio, is currently studying abroad.
We will gather at Get Roasted Coffee, 106 W. Bremer Ave. Food and social time begin at 5:30. A short branch meeting will be held at 6pm to update all on Waverly and Iowa AAUW priorities, with the program starting at 6:30pm.
Come and go as you are able, but if you wish to eat, we need an RSVP by the end of Monday, September 16.
The $12 meal is Cuban Style Mojo Pork (pork marinated and slow roasted in orange and lime juice, oregano, cumin & paprika), served over rice, black beans, and house guacamole. Coffee, wine, and Paha Cider are available for additional cost. RSVP to Karen Lehmann at and remember to bring cash or a check for the meal. Note that once you sign up, you are responsible for paying for your meal whether you attend or not. If you don’t wish to eat, no RSVP is needed.
Dessert will be available for all attendees at no extra charge. Please bring a friend/guest to check us out, but if you do, they also need to respond by Sept. 16 if they wish to join the meal.
Thurs., Oct. 17 – Branch meeting 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. program. Dr. Caryn Riswold, Wartburg – Caryn will talk about her newly published book, Called to Compassionate Community: ReEngaging ELCA Social Teachings on Abortion (Fortress Press). She presented some of her earlier work on faith and reproductive justice at an AAUW meeting in early 2020 and this topic continues to be of broad and significant interest and impact for all engaged citizens as we head deeper into election season. Location: Wartburg Science Center Room 134 (NW corner of 10th St. NW and 1st Ave. NW – park in lot behind Joe’s Knighthawk or on 1st Ave. NW. Look for AAUW signs outside of south entrance door.)
Thurs., Nov. 21, 6:30 branch meeting; 7:00 p.m. program – Black Hawk County Sheriff, Tony Thompson – Anyplace But Here – The Uncomfortable Convergence Between Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System. Tony Thompson will share about his experiences and the book he wrote to bring attention to this overwhelming issue. More info: Location: Whitehouse Business Center, Wartburg College, Room 116.
Thurs., Dec. 19 – Social Gathering – Waverly Senior Center
Sept. 2023-May 2024
Thurs., Sept. 14, 2023, 6:15 p.m., McCoy Rooms, Wartburg Saemann Student Center, 1st floor, north end of building, next to bookstore. Join us for our Kick-Off event – Speaker – Hannah Dutcher, one of the two Wartburg students who attended NCCWSL conference this year, supported by our branch, Iowa AAUW, and a number of you who donated at our brunch last March. Hannah is a 4th year Wartburg student, and she will share information and her impressions about the National Conference for College Women Student leaders (NCCWSL) that she attended in Washington D.C. May 31 to June 3.
$7 if you would like a Sub City sandwich, chips, and a beverage. RSVP to Karen at by Tues., Sept. 12. Include your preference for either 1)- a turkey/cheese sandwich or 2)-a veggie sandwich. FYI: all bread will be wheat bread. If you don’t wish to eat, no RSVP is needed. Please bring a friend to check us out, but if you do, they also need to respond by Sept. 12 if they wish to join the meal.
Dessert will be available for all attendees at no extra charge. The meal, a social hour, and an informal business meeting begin at 6:15, with the program starting somewhere around 6:45 PM.
Just a reminder that if you have not yet paid your current dues, you can bring a check to the meeting OR ask for help in completing an online renewal. Dues are $89 ($72 national, $10 Iowa, $7 Waverly).
Oct. 19-21 – Click here for details: AAUW Regional Conference, St. Louis, MO
Thurs., Oct. 19, Wartburg Science Center, Rm 134, 6:30 p.m. – Rabecca Ndlovu, Wartburg Student – Davis Project for Peace – Ending Period Poverty Wartburg junior Rabecca Ndolovu, a Davis Scholar from Zambia, will present on her Davis Project for Peace – Ending Period Poverty. This project aims at providing young females with a skill to make reusable pads using basic sewing techniques and educating them on female hygiene and menstruation. The project enforces teamwork, a sense of community and leadership, and repurposes fabric to reduce environmental waste.
**Click here to make an Ending Period Poverty in Zambia donation
Thurs., Nov. 16, 7:00 p.m. – Waverly Health Center’s new Center for Pediatric Therapies – Kristin Kahler, PT/DPT, will host us for a tour and program at this new facility. Park on East side of Waverly Health Center and enter through the RED door which opens at 6:45 p.m.
Thurs., Dec. 14 – 5:00-6:00 p.m. – Social Gathering – Waverly Senior Center – Note this is the 2nd Thurs. of the month and coincides with Waverly’s Christmas Greetings on Main event.
$10 cost for hors d’oeuvres and punch or wine. Cash or check only. RSVP to by end of day Mon., Dec. 11.
Thurs., Jan. 18, 2024 – 6:30 p.m. Social Time and Branch Announcements; 7:00 p.m. Program – Zoom Meeting – Public Policy Forum – Join us for this timely and important meeting to learn more about AAUW’s positions on key issues related to our mission of “Equity for All.” Hear from our current Iowa AAUW Public Policy VP, Diane Kearns (Keokuk, IA), Maureen White (Cedar Falls, IA), who has a long history of public policy advocacy in the state, and our Waverly Public Policy VP, Edie Waldstein.
In addition, get up to speed on using AAUW National’s “Two-Minute Activist” online tool, find out about how you can participate in Iowa AAUW’s Lobby Day at the State Capitol in February, and learn about other ways of advocating on important issues.
(Optional) Sat., January 27, 2024 – CF/Waterloo AAUW Brunch, 10:00 a.m., Waterloo YWCA –
Sarah Diesburg, PH.D. UNI Dept of Computer Science, will speak on the Ramifications of Artificial Intelligence. Menu: French toast bake, scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit salad, coffee, orange juice, water. Cost: $20. RSVP by Jan 19 to Ardelle Brown at Carpooling may be available – contact Karen Lehmann ( or Kim Folkers (
(Optional) Wed., Feb. 7 – AAUW Iowa Lobby Day – Carpool to Des Moines – Depart Waverly 6:45 a.m., return by 5:00 p.m. Contact Edie Waldstein ( or Kim Folkers ( to RSVP.
Thurs., Feb. 15, 5:30 p.m. food/social time; 6:00 branch meeting; 6:30 program – Laurie Traetow, Executive Director, Iowa Dental Foundation, IMOM Iowa Mission of Mercy – Annual Free Dental Clinic Project. Location: Get Roasted Coffee, 106 W. Bremer. (Zoom if bad weather) Optional Lemon Chicken Salad $11.00; Coffee, wine, Paha Cider available for additional cost. RSVP if you plan to eat by Mon., Feb. 12 to Please note – once you RSVP you are responsible for paying for your meal, whether you attend or not.
(Optional) Sat., February 24, 2024 – CF/Waterloo AAUW Brunch, 10:00 a.m., Waterloo YWCA –
Alan Czarnetzki, Ph.D. UNI Dept of Meteorology, will speak on the Implications of Climate Change. Menu: vegetable & bacon quiche, party potatoes, fruit salad, coffee, orange juice, water. Cost: $20. RSVP by Feb 16 to Ardelle Brown at Carpooling may be available – contact Karen Lehmann ( or Kim Folkers (
Sat., Mar. 16, 10:00 a.m. – Waverly AAUW Hosts Brunch for CF/Waterloo AAUW
**RSVP to by Wed., March 6. Cost $14.00 – payable at the door by cash or check.
Program: Dr. Mike Bechtel, Associate Professor of Science Education, Wartburg College. Topic: The state of science education in Iowa. Join us for this timely topic with dynamic presenter, Dr. Mike Bechtel. Click here for Dr. Bechtel’s bio.
Hosted by Waverly AAUW branch; CF/Waterloo branch invited. Wartburg College Heritage Ballroom – Saemann Student Center, 2nd floor above Wartburg Bookstore (east side of campus; north of Neumann Auditorium and Whitehouse Business Center). Parking lot east/southeast of the building.
Menu: Banana Bread French Toast; Egg Bake with Veggies; Fruit Salad; Coffee, tea, OJ, water.
Directions to Wartburg campus:
Wartburg Campus map:
Apr. 12/13 – AAUW Iowa State Conference – Cedar Rapids Hilton Garden Inn. Great opportunity to meet AAUW members from across the state and participate in keynote and break-out sessions on important issues.
Conference registration paid for all Waverly members – submit receipt to Sharon Abram for reimbursement. Interested in carpooling down on Saturday? Contact Lindy Mick for more info – Click here for conference info.
Downloadable conference schedule
Thurs., Apr. 18, 7:00 p.m. – Branch-wide Book Discussion – Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.
Have book questions you’d like to have included in our discussion?? Include them in your email to Karen!
(Waverly Public Library has multiple copies of book.)
Thurs., May 16 – 5:30 p.m. Meal and Social Time; 6:00 p.m. business meeting; 6:30 p.m. Program: The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Today’s Healthcare System – Nurse practitioners from Waverly Health Center, Lara Kyhl, Medical Staff Office Director and Carissa Kelm, Hospitalist, will share their insights.
Location: Get Roasted Coffee, 106 W. Bremer; Optional meal – $12 Burrito Rice Bowl (Roasted chicken, tomato, green onion, black beans, sweet corn, jasmine rice and sour cream) – RSVP to by Mon., May 13; Wine, coffee beverages, etc. available for purchase at meeting.
**Thanks to all Waverly Branch members who submitted petitions for the AAUW Iowa/ACLU joint project on Reproductive Rights!! This video recaps the effort:
2022-2023 Program Year
Thurs., May 18, 5:30 p.m. – Program: Libraries in 2023: Censorship, Challenges, and Changes – Emily McClimon, Waverly Public Library
Location: Get Roasted Coffee, 106 W. Bremer Ave. – 5:30 social time and food; 6:00 business meeting; 6:30 program; RSVP for food ($10) to Karen Lehmann ( by Mon., May 15.
Food Option 1: Chicken, Swiss & Pesto Panini (includes chips); Food Option 2: Roasted veggies & Pesto Panini (includes chips); Water provided. Wine and coffee drinks available for an additional charge.
Thurs., Sept. 15, 2022 – 5:30 p.m. – Title IX 50th Anniversary – Reflections on Successes and Challenges – Heather Zajicek, Assistant Director for Facility and Aquatics, Wartburg W. (5:30 social time; 6:00 business meeting; 6:30 program) – Location: Get Roasted Coffee, 106 W. Bremer Ave.; $10; RSVP to
Title IX Links – great resources that Heather shared with us:
37 words:
Hutch: (we watched this with the team this summer)
1619 Project Community Read – Waverly AAUW/Waverly Human Equality and Diversity Commission/Wartburg’s Multicultural Student Services/EMBRACE: Celebrating Diversity in the Cedar Valley – Sept. 20-Nov. 1 – meet once a week on campus at Wartburg for 6 weeks of reading and discussion. Click here for details – must register to participate.
Thurs., Oct. 20, 6:30 p.m. – ERA Amendment – Hard Won, Not Done – Doris Kelley, Chair, Iowa’s 19th Amendment Centennial Committee; Location: Wartburg Science Center Classroom 134 (NW corner of 10th St. NW and 1st Ave. NW – park in lot behind Joe’s Knighthawk or on 1st Ave. NW. Look for AAUW signs outside of south entrance door.)
ERA Resources: Hard Won, Not Done site; Catt Center (ISU)
FoF Cleaning Supplies Project F 2022
Optional: Nov. 2, 6:00 p.m. – Nikole Hannah-Jones – ISU/C.Y. Stephens Auditorium, Ames – 1619 Project – carpooling a possibility!
Thurs., Nov. 17 – 5:00-7:00 p.m. – Bremwood, 106-16th St. SW, Waverly. Karen Lehmann, contact – (
Serve Thanksgiving dinner to students at Bremwood – 5:00 p.m. serve dinner; 5:45 p.m. play Bingo. Come whenever you can! Meet at the Spiritual Life Center on the Bremwood campus, Feel free to bring a centerpiece for a table if you have one handy (these can be taken home afterwards) and small prizes for Bingo – appropriate for boys and girls ages 11-18. If you can’t attend, let us know and we’ll make arrangements for you to drop off your prizes. Click here for Bremwood-Bingo-Prize-Ideas
Thurs., Dec. 8, 5:00-6:00 p.m. – Social Gathering – Waverly Senior Center – Note this is the 2nd Thurs. of the month and coincides with Waverly’s Christmas Greetings on Main event. $5 cost for hors d’oeuvres, wine, hot cranberry cider. RSVP to by Noon, Tues., Dec. 6.
Thurs., Jan. 19, 6:30 p.m. Social Time/6:45 Business Meeting/7:00 Program; Zoom meeting
Topic: Intercultural Development Inventory – Dr. Amy Pilcher, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Wartburg.
Click below to join Zoom meeting:
Hear from Dr. Pilcher, one of our Waverly AAUW members, who recently achieved her IDI certification in cross-cultural assessment of intercultural competence. She is licensed to administer the IDI to groups and individuals.
Sat., Jan. 28, 10:00 a.m. – Brunch hosted by CF/W branch – Waterloo YWCA – Program: Nia Wilder, Waterloo Ward 3 Councilwoman and entrepreneur – Nia will reflect on her journey in business and politics and how she offers inspiration in leading the fight against discouragement.
Must RSVP to by Jan. 19. Menu: Egg bake (hashbrowns onion, mushrooms, cheese), fruit salad, muffin, coffee, orange juice and water. $17.00. Carpooling from Waverly available – let Kim F. know if interested.
Optional: Iowa AAUW Lobby Day – Wed., Feb. 8, 2023 – 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. – Iowa State Capitol, Des Moines – carpooling from Waverly available – contact Edie Waldstein for more information (
Thurs., Feb. 9, 7:00 p.m. – Branch Book Read Discussion – Disability Visibility an anthology Edited by Alice Wong (Hawkeye Community College 2022 All Read: Sarah Quin has multiple copies – some available at Waverly Public Library);
Location: Waverly Senior Center; Refreshments optional – $5.00. RSVP to by Mon., Feb. 6. Book Info:
Disability Visibility Discussion Guide
Hawkeye Community College Resource Page – Disability Visibility
Sat., Feb. 25, 10:00 a.m. – Brunch hosted by CF/W branch – Waterloo YWCA – Program: Sheritta Stokes, 1619 Freedom School – Waterloo.
Must RSVP to by Feb. 16. Menu: French toast bake; scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit salad, coffee, orange juice and water. $17.00; Carpooling from Waverly available – let Kim F. know if interested.
Sat., Mar. 25, 10:00 a.m. – Brunch hosted by Waverly branch; CF/Waterloo branch invited. Wartburg College Ballrooms – Saemann Student Center, 2nd floor above Wartburg Bookstore (east side of campus; north of Neumann Auditorium and Whitehouse Business Center). Parking lot east/southeast of the building.
Program: Laurie Schipper, Community Care Specialist, GALvanize USA, and 2022 Inductee Hall of Fame – IA Dept. of Human Rights’ Status of Women; longtime Executive Director the IA Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Laurie’s Bio
Must RSVP to by Mar. 17. Menu: Fontina & cheddar, asparagus, egg breakfast tarts with toppings bacon, ham, onion & mushrooms; Vegetarian option: omit bacon and ham; Fruit tray; Fruit turnovers; Sweet Bread of the Day. Cost $13.50.
**Directions to Wartburg campus:
**Wartburg Campus map:
Thurs., Apr. 20, 6:30 p.m. Social Time/Business Meeting; 7:00 p.m. Program: Women’s Reproductive Rights – Dr. Emily Boevers, Women’s Clinic, Waverly Health Center Dr. Boevers’ Bio
Location: Tendrils – Waverly Health Center; Park in the Red lot on the East side of the Health Center – enter through the Tendrils Events Entrance to the left of the main drive-up canopy.
Fri., Apr. 21/Sat. Apr. 22 – Iowa AAUW State Conference – Hilton Garden Inn Des Moines/Urbandale – Click here for more and for registration link
The main part of the conference programming will take place Sat., Apr. 22. Our Waverly Branch will reimburse registration fee ($80 by Mar. 25) for any member who would like to attend. Contact Kim Folkers ( or Lindi Mick ( if you have questions, would like to register, or are interested in carpooling.
AAUW Iowa Leadership Bootcamps – Listen to recordings of 7 sessions on building leadership skills. Click here for more information.
Bootcamp 2 – Communication Skills
AAUW 2021-2022 and 2020-2021 Programs Archive